Monday, June 4, 2007

World Social Forum

Peace, Love and Corporations
These are old..real old but I had to get them up...enjoy

The fall guy

The man on the right instigated a lot of the fight

I think he was debating whether or not to club someone...seriously

Inside the food riot that made the headlines

A dance company that did an awesome abstract dance


Masaai March

Strange fruits

Not sure what was happening there, some guy was tapping his feet in a very awkward way... hahahha

This was a silent protest although I forgot the group's name

Dancers from a children's group

Enjoying the peace

Uhuru Park

Group from Western Sahara

This kid was breaking it down

Some children's group

One of many signs

Everybody hates Bush

Sister's of Notre Dame - Sr. Mary Ellen's women's group. I'm not sure what's going on here but she doesn't look all that excited...

1 comment:

Zaratrusta said...

Sandi I miss you. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Hugs from boston